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METHOD alert

Allows you to create in-app notifications with custom buttons

app.alert({ "title": (Optional) string Title, "content": (Optional) string HtmlContent, "buttons": (Optional) array Buttons, "timeout": (Optional) int Timeout }, (title, content, modal, app) => { return { /// your buttons functions there... }; } )

Notifications can have a title, content (which can be HTML), timed auto-close, and buttons. There is one default button - “Close”, which will be there regardless of whether you have buttons or not. Here is an example of how you can create a notification that greets the user and prompts them to go to the documentation using buttons:

app.alert({ "title": "Hello there!", "content": "Welcome! Before you close this notice - check out the documentation", "buttons": [ { "text": "Documentation", "signal": "openDocs" } ] }, (title, content, modal, app) => { return { openDocs: () => { modal.hide(); app.browse("https://docs.yurba.one/") } }; } )

As you can see, the buttons array contains an object with two components inside: text and signal. The first one is responsible for the text on the button (without HTML support), and the second one binds a function to the button. Functions are created as the second argument inside a method, and in the same way title (Current title), content (Current content), modal (Notification body) and app are used to create functions