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GET /user/{user_tag}

Returns UserModel.

Request URL params:

user_tag: string

Request headers:

token: string


{ ID: int, Name: string, Surname: string, Link: string, RegisterDate: int, Avatar: int, Banner: int, Status: string, About: string, Country: string, City: string, CityNative: string, WorksAt: string, Birthday: string, Relationships: int, Website: string, Languages: list[string], Sub: int, # 0 - Yurba Plus, 1 - Yurba Premium Verify: string, # "None", "Default", "Organisation", "Goverment" Ban: int, Emoji: string, Online: { Online: bool, LastBeen: int, Degree: string }, OriginalAccount: int, CosmeticAvatar: int, Coins: int, Posts: int, # count of posts Friends: int, # count of friends Followers: int, # count of followers RelationshipState: string, # "strangers", "me_subscribed", "he_subscribed", "friends" PostState: int, # who can post on the wall (0 - all, 1 - friends, 2 - nobody) CommentsState: int, # who can comments the user's posts (0 - all, 1 - friends, 2 - nobody) AddFriendState: int, # who can send a friend request to user (1 - all, 0 - nobody) ViewFriendsState: int, # who can see the user's friends (0 - all, 1 - friends, 2 - nobody) SendMessageState: int, # who can send a message to the user (0 - all, 1 - friends, 2 - nobody) ViewAvatarState: int, # who can see the user's avatar (0 - all, 1 - friends, 2 - nobody) ViewBirthdayState: int, # who can see the user's birthday (0 - all, 1 - friends, 2 - nobody) SearchState: int, # display in search (1 - allow, 0 - disallow) OnlineType: int, # online display type (0 - default, 1 - approximate, 2 - invisible, the last one will get 0 to other people) # NOT EMPTY ONLY IF UNSAFE (/get_me) Password: string, Email: string, EmailReserve: string, TrackList: int, NewMessages: int, # count of new messages NewNotifications: int # count of friend requests FriendsRequests: int, # count of new notifications }


{ ID: 4, Name: "Yurba", Surname: "", Link: "yurba", RegisterDate: 1635946555, Avatar: 733, Banner: 732, Status: "Official account of Yurba", About: "", Country: "Україна", City: "", CityNative: "", WorksAt: "", Birthday: "", Relationships: 0, Website: "yurba.one", Languages: [], Sub: 0, Verify: "Organisation", Ban: 0, Emoji: "0", Online: { Online: false, LastBeen: 1710895556, Degree: "none" }, OriginalAccount: 0, CosmeticAvatar: 0, Coins: 0, Posts: 0, Friends: 1, Followers: 2, RelationshipState: "strangers", PostState: 0, CommentsState: 0, AddFriendState: 1, ViewFriendsState: 0, SendMessageState: 0, ViewAvatarState: 0, ViewBirthdayState: 0, SearchState: 1, OnlineType: 2, Password: null, Email: null, EmailReserve: null, TrackList: 0, NewMessages: 0, NewNotifications: 0, FriendsRequests: 0 }


auth_failed: token authorization failed

invalid_user: your user is missing from the database or cannot be read


Some endpoints contain a ShortUserModel, which contains basic information about the user

{ ID: int, Name: string, Surname: string, Link: string, Avatar: int, Sub: int, Verify: string, Ban: int, Emoji: string, CosmeticAvatar: int, CommentsState: int, RelationshipState: string }


{ ID: 1, Name: "Ілля", Surname: "Чернов", Link: "sample", Avatar: 715, Sub: 1, Verify: "Default", Ban: 0, Emoji: ":ua:", CosmeticAvatar: 0, CommentsState: 0, RelationshipState: "friends" }